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Make Your Own Woodsy & Wild Bouquet Inspired By Autumn

Make Your Own Woodsy & Wild Bouquet Inspired By Autumn

Woodsy Diy Bouquet

Autumn is in the air and we’re so ready for it with these luscious florals in our woodsy and wild DIY bouquet! Warm blush tones and muted yellows mixed with dried branches are getting us into all the earthy harvest feels. While we’ve made some gorgeous DIY bouquets in the past using silk flowers from Afloral, this one is definitely our new favorite!

Woodsy DIY Bouquet

The perfect balance of moody and sweet, this pretty arrangement of silk blooms is tiding us over ’till the crisp air and crunch leave days kick in. This bouquet isn’t just for fall brides, though we think it makes an excellent statement if we do say so ourselves! We think it’d be a lively addition to any intimate gathering, holiday feast or even fireplace mantle.

rose fall wedding bouquets

dried wedding bouquet diy

We bring tidings of great joy as we share with you the news that this fall bouquet was uber simple to create! We’re spilling the deets on the stems we used below, but you can always make it your own if you favor garden roses to anemones and want a few more of those. Afloral is a treasure trove of choices. See for yourself!

dried wedding bouquet diy

dried wedding bouquet diy

Bouquet Recipe:

flatlay wedding flowers for fall

Start with the largest flowers first, then fill in with smaller ones as you go. Don’t worry about the length of the stems in this stage – you’ll snip them all later! As you add each new stem, come in at a bit of an angle and don’t be afraid to let some sit higher than others. Pinch the arrangement between your thumb and fingers to keep the blooms in place (you’ll wrap them all in floral tape at the very end).

diy fall wedding centerpiece ideas

Woodsy Diy Bouquet ideas

Dried branches add a warm, organic feel to this arrangement. If you like the loose, organic, natural arrangements that have a bit more motion and height, you can be a bit more lenient about where the stems sit. The biggest advice we could give here is to not overthink it. Trust your gut!

diy fall wedding centerpiece ideas

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fall wedding bouquets

Once you have all your blooms in an arrangement you’re happy with, wrap them a few times tightly with floral tape to secure. Cut any excess stem at the bottom and then wrap a nice silk ribbon around the portion where the tape sits. Let the ribbons trail for that wispy, romantic look.

diy fall wedding centerpiece ideas

fall wedding flower ideas

Afloral has an enormous selection of silk and dried florals to choose from, as well as branches, greenery and so much more. Not to mention compotes and containers galore! #Flowerlovers will have to steady themselves for all the awesomeness they’ll see.

diy fall wedding centerpiece ideas

This bouquet works just as well for centerpieces too! Use it to decorate your home all year round or have it star in your next dinner party. We’ll forever praise silk flowers for their invincibility to wilting, and we know you will too.

This post was sponsored by Afloral. All opinions are our own. Thanks for supporting our sponsors!

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